- Eadgar (the Peacemaker)
- Eadgar (the Ætheling)
- Eadmund (Edmund)
- Eadmund (the Ironside)
- Eadred (Edred)
- Eadweard (Edward the Confessor)
- Eadweard (Edward the Elder)
- Eadweard (Edward the Martyr)
- Eadwig (Edwy)
- East Florida: Archontology
- East Florida: Governors: 1764-1784
- East Florida: Polity Style: 1763-1784
- East Florida: Sources
- Eastern Zhou: Archontology
- Eastern Zhou: Rulers: 741-256 BC
- Eastern Zhou: Sources
- Ebert, Friedrich
- Ebert, Friedrich
- Ebert, Friedrich
- Ecuador: Archontology
- Ecuador: Heads of State: 1830-1875
- Ecuador: Heads of State: 1875-1925
- Ecuador: Heads of State: 1925-1944
- Ecuador: Heads of State: 1944-2025
- Ecuador: Polity Style: 1830-2025
- Eden, Sir Anthony
- Edward I
- Edward VII (Australia)
- Edward VII (Canada)
- Edward VIII (Australia)
- Edward VIII (Canada)
- Edward VIII (Irish Free State)
- Edward VIII (UK)
- Egypt: Archontology
- Egypt: Heads of State: 1953-1958
- Egypt: Heads of State: 1961-2025
- Egypt: Khedives: 1867-1914
- Egypt: Kings: 1922-1953
- Egypt: Polity Style: 1867-2025
- Egypt: Presidents of the Revolutionary Command Council: 1953-1956
- Egypt: Regents: 1936-1937
- Egypt: Regents: 1952-1953
- Egypt: Sources
- Egypt: Sultans: 1914-1922
- Einaudi, Luigi
- Eisenhower, Dwight
- El Salvador: Archontology
- El Salvador: Heads of State: 1821-1823
- El Salvador: Heads of State: 1823-1841
- El Salvador: Heads of State: 1841-1865
- El Salvador: Heads of State: 1865-1898
- El Salvador: Heads of State: 1898-1962
- El Salvador: Heads of State: 1962-2025
- El Salvador: Polity Style: 1821-2025
- El Salvador: Sources
- El Viejo: Heads of State: 1824
- Elizabeth II (Australia)
- Elizabeth II (Canada)
- Elizabeth II (New Zealand)
- Elizabeth II (UK)
- Elías Calles, Plutarco
- Emperors and Empresses: 1721-1917
- England/Great Britain: Royal Styles: 1604-1707
- England: Anglo-Saxon Consecrations: 871-1066
- England: Anglo-Saxon Royal Styles: 871-1066
- England: Archontology
- England: Convention Parliament: 1660
- England: Convention Parliament: 1689
- England: Heads of State: 1688
- England: Kings and Queens: 1066-1649
- England: Kings and Queens: 1660-1707
- England: Kings: 871-1066
- England: Lord Protectors: 1653-1659
- England: Louis of France's Claim to the Throne of England: 1216-1217
- England: minority of Edward VI: 1547
- England: minority of Henry III: 1216-1227
- England: Notes
- England: Peers of the Realm: 1688
- England: Presidents of the Council of State: 1649-1653
- England: Presidents of the Council of State: 1649-1660
- England: Presidents of the Council of State: 1653-1659
- England: Presidents of the Council of State: 1659-1660
- England: Royal Styles of Philip of Spain: 1540-1598
- England: Royal Styles: 1360-1369
- England: Royal Styles: 1521-1553
- England: Royal Styles: 1553-1558
- England: Sources
- England: Speakers of the House of Commons: 1640-1660
- Equatorial Guinea: Archontology
- Equatorial Guinea: Heads of State: 1968-2025
- Equatorial Guinea: Polity Style: 1968-2025
- Erhard, Ludwig
- Eritrea: Archontology
- Eritrea: Heads of State: 1993-2025
- Eritrea: Polity Style: 1993-2025
- Espartero, Baldomero
- Espartero, Baldomero
- Estonia: Archontology
- Estonia: Chairman of the Constituent Assembly: 1919-1920
- Estonia: Chairman of the Supreme Council: 1990
- Estonia: Chairman of the Working People's Commune Council: 1918-1919
- Estonia: Chairmen of the Council of Ministers: 1946-1989
- Estonia: Chairmen of the Council of People's Commissars: 1940-1946
- Estonia: Chairmen of the Government: 1989-1990
- Estonia: Chairmen of the Presidium of the Supreme Council: 1940-1990
- Estonia: Chairmen of the Provisional Diet: 1917-1919
- Estonia: Heads of Government: 1919-1920
- Estonia: Heads of Provisional Government: 1918-1919
- Estonia: Heads of State: 1937-1940
- Estonia: Heads of State: 1990-2025
- Estonia: Polity Style: 1918-1919
- Estonia: Polity Style: 1918-1940
- Estonia: Polity Style: 1940-1990
- Estonia: Polity Style: 1990-2025
- Estonia: Salvation Committee: 1918
- Estonia: Sources
- Estonia: State Elders: 1920-1937
- Eswatini: Archontology
- Eswatini: Heads of State: 1967-2025
- Eswatini: Polity Style: 1895-2025
- Eswatini: Polity Style: 1967-2025
- Eswatini: Sources
- Ethiopia: Archontology
- Ethiopia: Chairmen of the Provisional Military Administrative Council: 1974-1987
- Ethiopia: Heads of State: 1268-1508
- Ethiopia: Heads of State: 1508-1755
- Ethiopia: Heads of State: 1755-1855
- Ethiopia: Heads of State: 1855-1974
- Ethiopia: Heads of State: 1987-2025
- Ethiopia: Notes
- Ethiopia: Polity Style: 1268-2025
- Ethiopia: Sources
- Etruria (Kingdom of): Sources
Last update: 09 Feb 2025