HomeNationsYugoslaviaKings: 1918-1941

Yugoslavia: Kings: 1918-1941

Po milosti Božjoj i volji Narodnoj Kralj Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca (По милости Божјој и вољи Народној Краљ Срба, Хрвата и Словенаца) sr-l, cr (sr-c) = Po milosti božji in narodni volji kralj Srbov, Hrvatov in Slovencev sl | By the Grace of God and People's Will, King of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
18 Nov/1 Dec 1918 - 16 Aug 1921 Petar I (Петар I) sr-l, cr (sr-c) = Peter I. sl [1][2]
16 Aug 1921 - 4 Oct 1929 Aleksandar I (Александар I) sr-l, cr (sr-c) = Aleksander I. sl [1]
Po milosti Božjoj i volji Narodnoj Kralj Jugoslavije (По милости Божjоj и вољи Народноj Краљ Jугославиjе) sr-l, cr (sr-c) = Po milosti božji in narodni volji kralj Jugoslavije sl | By the Grace of God and People's Will, King of Yugoslavia
4 Oct 1929 - 9 Oct 1934 Aleksandar I (Александар I) sr-l, cr (sr-c) = Aleksander I. sl 
9 Oct 1934 - 17 Apr 1941 Petar II (Петар II) sr-l, cr (sr-c) = Peter II. sl [3]
  1. Naslednik Prestola (Наследник Престола) sr-l, cr (sr-c) = Prestolonaslednik sl | Heir to the Throne
    18 Nov/1 Dec 1918 - 16 Aug 1921
    Aleksandar (Александар) sr-l, cr (sr-c) = Aleksander sl

    Aleksandar was given the status of regent of Serbia for the period of illness of his father, King Petar I, by a royal proclamation of 11/24 Jun 1914. The Constitution of the Kingdom of Serbia did not provide for the appointment of a person governing under the style of regent, but the king was empowered to transfer his functions to the heir to the throne. After the unification of the State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs with Serbia (18 Nov/1 Dec 1918), Aleksandar continued as regent.

  2. Also in Serbia.
  3. Regents during the minority of Petar II:
    Vlada Kraljevine Jugoslavije: Predsednik Ministarskog Saveta (Влада Краљевине Jугославиjе: Председник Министарског Савета) sr-l, cr (sr-c) = Vlada Kraljevine Jugoslavije: Predsednik ministrskega sveta sl | Government of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia: President of the Council of Ministers (ex officio)
    9 Oct 1934 - 11 Oct 1934
    Nikola T. Uzunović (Никола Т. Узуновић)

    The Government exercised the royal functions after the death of Aleksandar I, pending the swearing-in of the Royal Regents.

    Kraljevski namesnici (Краљевски намесници) sr-l, cr (sr-c) = Kraljevski namestniki sl | Royal Regents
    11 Oct 1934 - 27 Mar 1941
    knez Pavle Arsenović Karađorđević (кнез Павле Арсеновић Карађорђевић)
    11 Oct 1934 - 27 Mar 1941
    Radenko Stanković (Раденко Станковић)
    11 Oct 1934 - 27 Mar 1941
    Ivo N. Perović (Иво Н. Перовић)