HomeNationsUnited KingdomHeads of GovernmentPrime Ministers: 1905-2024

United Kingdom: Prime Ministers: 1905-2024

Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury
5 Dec 1905 - 5 Apr 1908 Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman
8 Apr 1908 - 5 Dec 1916 Herbert Henry Asquith
7 Dec 1916 - 19 Oct 1922 David Lloyd-George
23 Oct 1922 - 20 May 1923 Bonar Law 
22 May 1923 - 22 Jan 1924 Stanley Baldwin 
22 Jan 1924 - 4 Nov 1924 Ramsay MacDonald
4 Nov 1924 - 4 Jun 1929 Stanley Baldwin 
5 Jun 1929 - 7 Jun 1935 Ramsay MacDonald 
7 Jun 1935 - 28 May 1937 Stanley Baldwin 
28 May 1937 - 10 May 1940 Neville Chamberlain
10 May 1940 - 26 Jul 1945 Winston Spencer-Churchill
26 Jul 1945 - 26 Oct 1951 Clement Attlee
26 Oct 1951 - 5 Apr 1955 Winston Spencer-Churchill (from 24 Apr 1953 Sir Winston Spencer-Churchill) 
6 Apr 1955 - 9 Jan 1957 Sir Anthony Eden
10 Jan 1957 - 18 Oct 1963 Harold Macmillan
19 Oct 1963 - 16 Oct 1964 Alexander Frederick Earl of Home (from 23 Oct 1963 Sir Alexander Frederick Douglas-Home)
16 Oct 1964 - 19 Jun 1970 Harold Wilson
19 Jun 1970 - 4 Mar 1974 Edward Heath
4 Mar 1974 - 5 Apr 1976 Harold Wilson 
5 Apr 1976 - 4 May 1979 James Callaghan
4 May 1979 - 28 Nov 1990 Margaret Thatcher
28 Nov 1990 - 2 May 1997 John Major
2 May 1997 - 27 Jun 2007 Tony Blair
27 Jun 2007 - 11 May 2010 Gordon Brown
11 May 2010 - 13 Jul 2016 David Cameron
13 Jul 2016 - 24 Jul 2019 Theresa Mary May (née Brasier)
24 Jul 2019 - 6 Sep 2022 Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson
6 Sep 2022 - 25 Oct 2022 Mary Elizabeth Truss
25 Oct 2022 - 5 Jul 2024 Rishi Sunak
5 Jul 2024 - Sir Keir Rodney Starmer