Turkmenistan (Soviet Republic): Polity Style: 1925-2024 - Archontology
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Turkmenistan (Soviet Republic): Polity Style: 1925-1991

20 Feb 1925 the establishment of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic as a member state of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is proclaimed in accordance with a declaration passed by the All-Turkmen Congress of Councils held in Poltoratsk on 20 Feb 1925
20 Feb 1925 - 27 Oct 1991 Türkmenistan Sowet Sosialistik Respublikasy = (to 24 May 1990) Turkmenskaja Sovetskaja Socialističeskaja Respublika (Туркменская Советская Социалистическая Республика) | Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic
13 May 1925 the Turkmen SSR is admitted to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in accordance with a resolution passed by the Congress of the Councils of the USSR held on 13 May 1925 (USSR Laws and Orders Collection - Part I, No. 35, 6 Jun 1925, p. 538)
24 May 1990 Turkmen is designated as the state language in accordance with a law passed by the Supreme Council 24 May 1990 with immediate effect (Turkmenskaja Iskra, No. 122, 27 May 1990, pp. 1-2; Sowet Türkmenistany, No. 123, 27 May 1990, pp. 1-2)
22 Aug 1990 proclaimed a sovereign state in accordance with a declaration passed by the Supreme Council 22 Aug 1990 (Turkmenskaja Iskra, No. 193, 23 Aug 1990, p. 1)