Felipe VI

Felipe VI

b. 30 Jan 1968, Madrid

Title: Rey de España (King of Spain)
Term: 19 Jun 2014 -
Chronology: 19 Jun 2014, succeeded to the throne when the abdication of his predecessor becomes effective in accordance with an organic law passed by the Cortes Generales (Congreso de los Diputados on 11 Jun 2014, Senado 17 Jun 2014), promulgated by the king 18 Jun 2014 and taking effect upon publication 19 Jun 2014 as prescribed by Art. 2 of the same law [1]
19 Jun 2014, took an oath as the King of Spain, joint session of the Cortes Españolas (Spanish Cortes), Palacio del Congreso de los Diputados, Madrid [2]
Names/titles: Baptised (8 Feb 1968): Felipe Juan Pablo Alfonso de Todos los Santos de Borbón y de Grecia; Príncipe de Asturias (Prince of Asturias) [22 Jan 1977 - 19 Jun 2014]
Born as the third child of Infante Juan Carlos de Borbón y de Borbón-Dos Sicilias (later King of Spain as Juan Carlos I); attended the Colegio Santa María de los Rosales, a private school (to 1984); took a preparatory course and studied English at Lakefield College School, Ontario, Canada (1984-1985); studied law and economics in the Autonomous University of Madrid (1985-1993); received military instruction at navy academy at Marín, Pontevedra, and air force academy at San Javier (1987-1988); completed his academic studies by obtaining a master's degree from Georgetown University (1995); was created the Prince of Asturias by royal decree of 21 Jan 1977 (effective upon publication 22 Jan 1977); on his 18th birthday, he swore allegiance to the Constitution and to the King (30 Jan 1986), formally accepting his role as successor to the throne; succeeded his father as King of Spain on 19 Jun 2014.
Biographical sources: "El Príncipe: Cómo Es el Futuro Felipe VI", by José Apezarena (Barcelona: Plaza & Janés, 2000)

[1] Boletín Oficial del Estado, No. 148, 19 Jun 2014, pp. 46396-46398.
[2] Diario de Sesiones de las Cortes Generales, Sesiones Conjuntas, No. 2, 2014, pp. 1-6.