HomeNationsRwandaPolity Style: 1961-2024

Rwanda: Polity Style: 1961-2024

13 Dec 1946 Rwanda forms part of a United Nations trust territory under the name of Ruanda-Urundi in accordance with a trusteeship agreement approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 13 Dec 1946, the government of Belgium is designated as the Administering Authority for Ruanda-Urundi by Art. 2 of the Trusteeship Agreement (Official Records of the General Assembly, 1st session, Part 2, Resolutions, p. 122)
28 Jan 1961 Rwanda is proclaimed a sovereign republic (UN Trusteeship retained), monarchy is abolished, resolutions of the National Congress held in Gitarama on 28 Jan 1962
28 Jan 1961 - Repubulika y'u Rwanda = République Rwandaise (from 4 Jun 2003 République du Rwanda) = (from 18 Jan 1996) Republic of Rwanda [1]
6 Feb 1961 authorities of the Republic of Rwanda elected by the National Congress on 28 Jan 1962 is recognised by the Administering Authority for Ruanda-Urundi, ordinance issued by the Resident General of Ruanda-Urundi on 6 Feb 1961 (Ruanda-Urundi Official Gazette, No. 4, 28 Feb 1961, pp. 344-345)
1 Jul 1962 Rwanda acceded to independence upon the termination of the Trusteeship Agreement of 13 Dec 1946 in respect of Ruanda-Urundi in accordance with resolution 1746 (XVI) passed by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 27 Jun 1962, effective 1 Jul 1962 (Official Records of the General Assembly, 16th session, Resolutions and Decisions, pp. 1-2)
18 Jan 1996 English is recognised as an official language in addition to Kinyarwanda and French in accordance with an amendment of the Constitution (passed by the National Assembly 12 Jan 1996, effective upon promulgation by the President of the Republic 18 Jan 1996) (Official Gazette, No. 3, 1 Feb 1996)
4 Jun 2003 name of the state in French is changed to République du Rwanda upon the promulgation of the Constitution of 2003 by the President of the Republic on 4 Jun 2003 (Official Gazette, No. Special, 4 Jun 2003, pp. 2-65)

[1] Repubulika is the current form of spelling in Kinyarwanda. Original form as found in the Constitution of 1961 and subsequent legislation was Republika.