Biography of Sulimov, Daniil Yegorovich - Archontology
Daniil Sulimov

Daniil Yegorovich Sulimov

b. 10/22 Dec 1890, near Minyar, Chelyabinsk region, Russian Empire
d. 27 Nov 1937, near Moscow, USSR

Title: Председатель Совета Народных Комиссаров РСФСР (Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR)
Term: 3 Nov 1930 - after 27 Jun 1937
  3 Nov 1930, appointed, decree of Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee [1]
  27 Jun 1937, ceased to exercise the duties of Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars with arrest
Names/titles: First name also spelled as Данила (Danila)

Born in the family of a worker of the Minyar metallurgical plant; received primary education; joined the Bolshevik party at the age of 15 (1905); called to the military service (1915); revolutionary agitator; chairman, Perm City Executive Committee (1918); served as political commissar in the Red Army during the Civil War; headed the Chelyabinsk province party organization; elected to the Party Central Committee as a candidate member (1921-23) and later as full member (1923-1937); chairman, governing board of the South Urals plants (1920-1922); chairman, Urals province executve committee (1923-1926); secretary, Urals province party organization (1926-1927); first deputy to the USSR people's commissar for transportation (22 Feb 1927 - 3 Nov 1930); was elected full member of the Orgburo (16 Apr 1927 - 26 Jun 1930); chairman, RSFSR Council of People's Commissars (from 3 Nov 1930); was expelled from the Central Committee at plenum (23 Jun 1937); arrested (27/28 Jun 1937); sentenced to death on 27 Nov 1937. Biography source: [2]

[1] Известия, 1930, 4 ноября.
[2] Чернев А.Д. 229 кремлевских вождей. Политбюро, Оргбюро, Секретариат ЦК Коммунистической партии в лицах и цифрах. Справочник. М.: Редакция журнала "Родина", Научный центр "Руссика". 1996.