HomeNationsCroatiaHeads of State: 1941-1945

Croatia: Heads of State: 1941-1945

Zamjenik Poglavnika | Deputy Leader
10 Apr 1941 - 15 Apr 1941 Slavko Kvaternik [1]
Poglavnik Nezavisne Države Hrvatske | Leader of the Independent State of Croatia
15 Apr 1941 - 6 May 1945 Ante Pavelić [1][2]
  1. The declaration of independence of Croatia was issued by Kvaternik (10 Apr 1941), referring to the authority of Pavelić as poglavnik. Pavelić was absent from Croatia on 10 Apr 1941 and returned on 13 Apr 1941, taking the oath of office in Zagreb on 15 Apr 1941. Pavelić departed from Zagreb on 6 May 1945 and left the territory of Croatia on 8 May 1945.
  2. At the request of the government of Croatia, the King of Italy Vittorio Emanuele III designated Aimone Duca di Spoleto (from 3 Mar 1942 duca d'Aosta) to be king of Croatia. Aimone accepted the designation on 18 May 1941 and Pavelić announced that the king would take the name Tomislav II. Aimone was neither proclaimed nor installed and resigned his designation in October 1943.