Costa Rica: Polity Style: 1821-2024 - Archontology
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Costa Rica: Polity Style: 1821-2024

11 Oct 1821 the independence of the Province of Nicaragua and Costa Rica (Provincia de Nicaragua y Costa Rica) the incorporation into the Mexican Empire is proclaimed in accordance with an act passed by the Provincial Council (Diputacion Provincial) at León (now in Nicaragua) on 11 Oct 1821 [1]
12 Nov 1821 Costa Rica constituted a polity (provincia) upon the installation of an autonomous government at Cartago [Documentos relativos á la independencia, 2:5-6]
12 Nov 1821 - 8 Sep 1824 Provincia de Costa Rica [2]
10 Jan 1822 Costa Rica formed part the Mexican Empire in accordance with resolution passed by a constituent assembly (Junta Electoral) at Cartago on 10 Jan 1822 [Documentos relativos á la independencia, 2:70-71]
8 Mar 1823 the independence of Costa Rica is proclaimed in accordance with a resolution passed by the Constituent Congress on 8 Mar 1823 [Documentos relativos á la independencia, 2:250]
6 Mar 1824 Costa Rica is admitted to the Central-American Federation in accordance with a resolution passed by the Constituent National Assembly (Asamblea Nacional Constituyente) of Central America on 4 Mar 1824 and promulgated on 6 Mar 1824 (Montiel Argüello, pp. 81, 83; Obregón Loría, pp. 233-234)
6 Mar 1824 - 21 Jan 1825 Estado de Costa Rica
21 Jan 1825 the Constitution (Ley Fundamental del Estado) is adopted by the Constituent Congress (Congreso Constituyente) on 21 Jan 1825 and promulgated on 25 Jan 1825 [Colección de leyes y decretos, 1:70-94] [3]
21 Jan 1825 - 15 Nov 1838 Estado libre de Costa Rica
15 Nov 1838 Costa Rica resumed full sovereignty and independence in accordance with a resolution passed by the Constituent Congress on 14 Nov 1838, promulgated on 15 Nov 1838 [Colección de leyes y decretos, 5:282-284]
15 Nov 1838 - 10 Apr 1844 Estado de Costa Rica [4]
10 Apr 1844 the Constitution of the Free and Sovereign State of Costa Rica (Constitución Política del Estado libre y soberano de Costa Rica) is adopted by the Constituent Assembly (Asamblea Constituyente) on 9 Apr 1844 and promulgated on 10 Apr 1844 [Colección de leyes y decretos, 8:222-269]
10 Apr 1844 - 10 Feb 1847 Estado libre de Costa Rica
10 Feb 1847 the Political Constitution (Constitución Política) is adopted by the Constituent Assembly (Asamblea Constituyente) on 21 Jan 1847 and promulgated on 10 Feb 1847 [Colección de leyes y decretos, 10:1-55]
10 Feb 1847 - 31 Aug 1848 Estado de Costa Rica
31 Aug 1848 the name of the state is changed to República de Costa Rica in accordance with a resolution passed by the Constitutional Congress (Congreso Constitucional) of 30 Aug 1848 and promulgated on 31 Aug 1848 [Colección de leyes y decretos, 10:336-338]
31 Aug 1848 - República de Costa Rica

[1] The act purported to affect all parts of the Province of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, including the territory of Costa Rica. In a series of resolutions passed at popular meetings and by municipal councils (Cartago 29 Oct 1821, San José 30 Oct 1821, and others), the communities of Costa Rica supported the act of 11 Oct 1821, but fell short of passing a common act of independence for Costa Rica.
[2] Provincia de Costa Rica, the name most frequently appearing in official use after 12 Nov 1821, was confirmed as a term of reference in Art. 1 of the Constitution (Estatuto Político de la Provincia de Costa Rica) passed by the Congress 19 Mar 1823 [Documentos relativos á la independencia, 2:362].
[3] Notwithstanding a short delay in the promulgation of the Constitution, the new name of the state appeared in official use immediately after it was passed by the Congress (cf. decree of 22 Jan 1825, Colección de leyes y decretos, 1:94-96).
[4] Following the secession from the Central-American Federation, the word "libre" was normally omitted from the name of the state in official use and was occasionally replaced by "soberano".