Belgium: Council of Ministers: 1993 - Archontology
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Belgium: Council of Ministers: 1993

The following dates correspond to the period when an office holder was a member of the Council of Ministers, collectively exercising the duties of Head of State in accordance with a Constitutional provision; dates of office for each individual are different.
31 Jul 1993 - 9 Aug 1993 Jean-Luc-Joseph-Marie Dehaene (Premier Ministre = Eerste Minister)
31 Jul 1993 - 9 Aug 1993 Guy Coëme
31 Jul 1993 - 9 Aug 1993 Willem Werner Hubert Claes, dit Willy Claes
31 Jul 1993 - 9 Aug 1993 Melchior-Henri-Marie-Joseph-Colette Wathelet
31 Jul 1993 - 9 Aug 1993 Philippe M. P. J. Maystadt
31 Jul 1993 - 9 Aug 1993 Jean-Maurice Dehousse
31 Jul 1993 - 9 Aug 1993 Robert Urbain
31 Jul 1993 - 9 Aug 1993 Frederik A. A. Willockx, dit Freddy Willockx
31 Jul 1993 - 9 Aug 1993 Louis-Marie-Joseph Tobback
31 Jul 1993 - 9 Aug 1993 Maria Bertha Petrus Smet, dite Miet Smet
31 Jul 1993 - 9 Aug 1993 André-Antoine-Marie-Joseph Bourgeois
31 Jul 1993 - 9 Aug 1993 Leo Delcroix
31 Jul 1993 - 9 Aug 1993 Mieke Offeciers-Van De Wiele, née Mieke Van De Wiele
31 Jul 1993 - 9 Aug 1993 Bernard G. Anselme
31 Jul 1993 - 9 Aug 1993 Magdalena C. A. M. De Galan, dite Magda De Galan

The Constitution of Belgium of 1831, Art. 79 (numbering changed to Art. 90 as of 1994), authorized the Council of Ministers or, more precisely, the ministers in Council to exercise the royal authority during the period when the throne remains vacant or when a monarch is incapable to exercise the same functions. The royal decree of 22 Jul 1831 was amended to change the formula for promulgation of legislation in the periods of interregna ("Au nom du Peuple belge, Nous, ministres réunis en Conseil...", decree of 10 Dec 1865 published in Moniteur belge, No. 345, 1865).

The vacancy normally occurs upon the demise of the throne by death and lasts until the swearing-in of his successor; original text of Art. 79 (90) in French and Dutch reads:

[French] A dater de la mort du Roi et jusqu'à la prestation du serment de son successeur au trône ou du régent, les pouvoirs constitutionnels du Roi sont exercés, au nom du peuple belge, par les ministres réunis en conseil, et sous leur responsabilité.
[Dutch] Te rekenen van het overlijden van de Koning en tot de eedaflegging van zijn troonopvolger of van de Regent, wordt de grondwettelijke macht van de Koning in naam van het Belgische volk uitgeoefend door de in raad verenigde ministers en onder hun verantwoordelijkheid.
(from 1991 also in German: "... wird die verfassungsmäßige Gewalt des Königs im Namen des belgischen Volkes von den im Rat versammelten Ministern ... ausgeübt").