Kingdom of Naples: Kings: 1806-1815 - Archontology

Kingdom of Naples: Kings: 1806-1815

Luogotenente dell'Imperatore
15 Feb 1806 - 11 May 1806 Giuseppe Napoleone Bonaparte [1]
Per la grazia di Dio Re di Napoli e di Sicilia
11 May 1806 - 8 Jul 1808 Giuseppe Napoleone [2] 
Per grazia di Dio e per la Costituzione dello Stato Re delle Due Sicilie
1 Aug 1808 - 19 May 1815 Gioacchino Napoleone [3][4]

[1] Original name: Joseph Napoléon Bonaparte (baptized Joseph Nabulion); Joseph received the news of his appointment as the King of Naples and Sicily on 13 Apr 1806 during a military expedition in Calabria. He entered Naples on 11 May 1806 where a delegation of the Sénat conservateur of France presented him with an imperial decree of 30 Mar 1806 and officially communicated his appointment.
[2] Joseph left Naples on 23 May 1808 to accept the throne of Spain and ceded the rights to the crown of Naples and Sicily to Napoléon I in accordance with a treaty signed in Bayonne, France, on 5 Jul 1808, effective on the exchange of ratifications on 8 Jul 1808 (Clercq, 2:257-262; Cantillo, 716-719; France Diplomatie, Traités et accords de la France, TRA18080022). During the period of absence of Joseph, the executive authority was entrusted to the ministers and the Council of State (Consiglio di Stato).
[3] Original name: Joachim Murat-Jordy; Murat was appointed the King of Naples and Sicily by an imperial decree of 15 Jul 1808 (effective on 1 Aug 1808). He was proclaimed the king in Naples on 1 Aug 1808 and arrived on 6 Sep 1808.
[4] After a series of military defeats in the war with the Empire of Austria, Murat left Naples (19 May 1815) and departed for France.