South Carolina: Colonial Governors: 1730-1775 - Archontology
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South Carolina: Colonial Governors: 1730-1775

Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the Province of South Carolina [1]
16/27 Dec 1730 - 3/14 May 1735 Robert Johnson
Lieutenant Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the Province of South Carolina (ex officio)
3/14 May 1735 - 22 Nov/3 Dec 1737 Thomas Broughton
President and Commander-in-Chief in and over the Province of South Carolina (ex officio)
22 Nov/3 Dec 1737 - 3/14 Apr 1739 William Bull
Lieutenant Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the Province of South Carolina (ex officio)
3/14 Apr 1739 - 17/28 Dec 1743 William Bull 
Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the Province of South Carolina [1]
17/28 Dec 1743 - 1 Jun 1756 James Glen
1 Jun 1756 - 22 Dec 1761 William Henry Lyttleton
22 Dec 1761 - 12 Jun 1766 Thomas Boone
12 Jun 1766 - 18 Jun 1775 Charles Greville Montagu
18 Jun 1775 - 15 Sep 1775 William Campbell [2]
  1. The style used in commissions: Captain General and Governor-in-Chief in and over our Province of South Carolina in America.
  2. Abandoned the seat of government in Charleston 15 Sep 1775, taking refuge aboard a British ship; continued to partially exercise the functions of office until permanently leaving South Carolina 6 Jan 1776.