Spain: Provisional Junta of Government: 1823 - Archontology
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Spain: Provisional Junta of Government: 1823

Junta provisional de Gobierno de España e Indias
9 Apr 1823 - 25 May 1823 Francisco Ramón de Eguía y López de Letona (from 14 Dec 1823 conde del Real Aprecio) (Presidente)
9 Apr 1823 - 25 May 1823 Joaquín de Ibáñez Cuevas y de Valonga, barón de Eroles, marqués de la Cañada-Ibáñez
9 Apr 1823 - 25 May 1823 Antonio Gómez Calderón
9 Apr 1823 - 25 May 1823 Juan Bautista de Erro y Espinoz
Issued its first Manifesto as Junta Provisional del Gobierno de la nación española at Bayonne, France (6 Apr 1823), calling for restoration of the absolutist government existing in Spain before 7 Mar 1820; formally installed (9 Apr 1823) at Oyarzun (now Oiartzun, Basque Country) under protection of the French army headed by Louis-Antoine de France, duc d'Angoulême (son of future Charles X), which invaded Spain on 7 Apr 1823 to restore the regime of Fernando VII; carried out the functions of government in the name of Fernando VII; when the French troops entered Madrid, the Junta was replaced (26 May 1823) with the Regency composed of five persons, including two former Junta members, Barón de Eroles and Antonio Gómez Calderón. Information source: [1][2]

[1] "Examen crítico de las revoluciones de España de 1820 a 1823 y de 1836" (Paris: En la Librería de Delaunay, en el Palacio Real, 1837).
[2] "Historia del tradicionalismo español", by Melchor Ferrer, Domingo Tejera, and José F. Acedo (Sevilla, 1941ss)