Peru-Bolivian Confederation: Heads of State: 1836-1839 - Archontology
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Peru-Bolivian Confederation: Heads of State: 1836-1839

Presidente de Bolivia, Supremo Protector de los Estados Sud y Nor-Peruanos [1]
28 Oct 1836 - 20 Feb 1839 José Andrés de Santa Cruz Villavicencio y Calahumana [2]

[1] Proclaimed Protector de la Confederación Perú-Boliviana by Art. 41 of the pact signed at Tacna 1 May 1837, pending the ratifications and swearing-in; in anticipation of the ratifications which eventually were never completed, Supremo Protector de los Estados Sud y Nor-Peruanos was replaced by Supremo Protector de la Confederación Perú-Boliviana (on or after 3 Aug 1837) and, on rare occasions, Supremo Protector de los Estados de la Confederación.
[2] Also in Bolivia, Peru.