Kingdom of Italy: Presidents of the Provisional Regency: 1814 - Archontology
HomeNationsItalyKingdom of Italy (1805-1814)Presidents of the Provisional Regency: 1814

Kingdom of Italy: Presidents of the Provisional Regency: 1814

Presidente della Reggenza del Governo Provvisorio [1]
21 Apr 1814 - 25 May 1814 Carlo Verri
25 May 1814 - 12 Jun 1814 Enrico conte di Bellegarde (Heinrich Joseph Johann Graf von Bellegarde) [2]

[1] The use of Regno d'Italia in legislation was mandated by a decree of the Provisional Regency of 22 Apr 1814 and continued until the assumption of the presidency by the commissioner plenipotentiary of the Emperor of Austria Bellegarde on 25 May 1814.
[2] Also served as the commissioner plenipotentiary of the Emperor of Austria for the territory of "Austrian Lombary" and Mantua (appointed on 14 May 1814, appointment is proclaimed on 25 May 1814 in Milan). After the incorporation of the territories of the former Kingdom of Italy into the Empire of Austria (12 Jun 1814), Bellegarde continued to serve as Presidente della Regia Cesarea Reggenza Provvisoria.