Kingdom of Etruria: Kings: 1801-1807 - Archontology
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Kingdom of Etruria: Kings: 1801-1807

Per la grazia di Dio, Infante di Spagnia, Re di (della) Etruria e Principe Ereditario di Parma, Piacenza, Guastalla &c. &c. &c.
2 Aug 1801 - 27 May 1803 Ludovico [1]
27 May 1803 - 10 Dec 1807 Carlo Ludovico [2]

[1] The cession of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany to Ludovico was effected by the treaty of Lunéville (1801). He was next confirmed as the king of Tuscany (rey de Toscana|roi de Toscane) by the treaty of Aranjuez (1801), eventually choosing the title of the King of Etruria by a proclamation issued in Parma on 26 Jul 1801. The transfer of supreme authority from the Provisional Government of Tuscany to the minister plenipotentiary of the King of Etruria took place in Florence on 2 Aug 1801. King Ludovico arrived to the capital on 12 Aug 1801.
[2] Baptized (22 Dec 1799, Madrid): Carlos Luis Fernando María Joseph (José) Juan Evangelista Rafael Francisco de Paula Luis Gonzaga Ramón Eustaquio Demetrio Animas.