Grand Duchy of Tuscany: Provisional Governments: 1849 - Archontology
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Grand Duchy of Tuscany: Provisional Governments: 1849

Governo Provvisorio Toscano
8 Feb 1849 - 28 Mar 1849 Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi
8 Feb 1849 - 28 Mar 1849 Giuseppe Montanelli
8 Feb 1849 - 28 Mar 1849 Giuseppe Mazzoni
Potere Esecutivo Provvisorio Toscano [1][2]
28 Mar 1849 - 12 Apr 1849 Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi 
Commissione Governativa Toscana: Primo Priore facente funzioni di Gonfaloniere [3]
12 Apr 1849 - 6 May 1849 Orazio Cesare Ricasoli [4]

[1] Guerrazzi was entrusted with the executive power by a resolution of the Assemblea Costituente of Tuscany adopted during the night session of 27/28 Mar 1849 and accepted the nomination on 28 Mar 1849.
[2] Also in official use: Rappresentante del Governo Provvisorio, Rappresentante del Potere Esecutivo Provvisorio Toscano.
[3] The Government Commisssion assumed the executive authority, claiming the restoration of monarchy, although it was not explicitly endorsed by the Grand Duke Leopoldo II.
[4] Orazio Cesare Ricasoli (not to be confused with Bettino Ricasoli) exercised the functions of Gonfaloniere during the permanent absence of the incumbent, Ubaldino Luigi Peruzzi.